Title Companies
Bromley Park Metropolitan District No. 3 does not directly impose any fees on property within its boundaries. However, property within the District is generally subject to certain storm drainage maintenance fees imposed by South Beebe Draw Metropolitan District. For balances and account transfer fees, please submit all status requests by email to: Billingservices@claconnect.com, prior to any closings or property transfers. For urgent requests only, please call our billing department at (303) 265-7949 during normal business hours.
Additional information is available on the South Beebe Metropolitan District Webpage here.
Current Board of Directors
Robert A. Lembke - Term Expires May 2027
James A. Korpal - Term Expires May 2025
Joshua Shipman - Term Expires May 2027
Patrick Crumpton - Term Expires May 2025
Ronald E. von Lembke - Term Expires May 2025
If you need to contact the District or a member of the Board of Directors, please send an email to specialdistricts@mdavislawoffice.com or call (720) 279-4242.
Call for Nominations
§§ 1-13.5-501, 1-13.5-303, C.R.S.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly to the eligible electors of the Bromley Park Metropolitan District No. 3 (the “District”), Adams County, Colorado.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election for the District will be conducted by independent mail ballot on May 6, 2025. At that time three (3) directors may be elected to serve until May 2029. Eligible electors of the District interested in serving on a board of directors may obtain Self-Nomination and Acceptance Forms by visiting https://www.cospecialdistricts.com/bromley-park-metropolitan-district-no-3.
The deadline to file a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form with the DEO, or a letter that meets the requirements of § 1-13.5-501, C.R.S., is 5:00 p.m. (“Close of Business”) on Friday, February 28, 2025. If the DEO determines that a Self-Nomination and Acceptance form or letter is not sufficient, the eligible elector who filed the form or letter may amend the form or letter prior to Close of Business on February 28, 2025. Early filing is encouraged as the deadline will not permit curing an insufficient form after this date and time. A person who wishes to be a write-in candidate must file an Affidavit of Intent to be a Write-In Candidate with the office of the DEO by Close of Business on March 3, 2025.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that information on obtaining an absentee ballot may be obtained from the DEO, and applications for an absentee ballot must be filed with the DEO no later than Close of Business on Tuesday, April 29, 2025.
By: /s/ Designated Election Official